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Wrestling USA Magazine/IntermatWrestle.com 2024–2025 Preseason Picks Utah Wrestlers
of the Year
Wrestling USA Magazine and IntermatWrestle.com 2024–2025
Utah Editor Team Preseason Rankings: December 2024
Utahns in Wrestling USA Magazine National Rankings: 2023-2024
Utahns in Wrestling USA Magazine Top 150
Utahns in Wrestling USA Magazine National Rankings: 2023-2024
Utah Wrestling Coaches Association State Rankings
- Oct. 23, 2017: 6A
- Oct. 23, 2017: 5A
- Oct. 23, 2017: 4A
- Oct. 23, 2017: 3A
- Oct. 23, 2017: 2A
- Oct. 23, 2017: 1A
All state rankings subject to available information and
participation from wrestling coaches and parents from
around Utah.